Meet the Farmers

David Erick­son

When David was 10 years old his par­ents bought Black Brook Farm, with plans to turn it into a work­ing horse farm. 10-year old David loved rid­ing hors­es, but he loved rid­ing on trac­tors more. After high school he attend­ed NYU Tisch School of the Arts, and end­ed up stay­ing in New York City for sev­er­al years pur­su­ing a career in film. Life in NYC was reward­ing, but David missed the farm and the ani­mals, and so in the fall of 2010  he decid­ed to move back to Carlisle, MA with his girl­friend (now fiance) Gal­lagher Han­nan to con­vert some of the farm from horse pas­tures into veg­etable and live­stock production.


Gal­lagher Hannan

Gal­lagher grew up in Con­cord, MA, one town over from Carlisle. Her and David met in high school, where they quick­ly became great friends. Gal­lagher did­n’t ever have a clear idea of what she want­ed to be when she grew up, but she always loved the out­doors. She attend­ed Cor­nell Uni­ver­si­ty to study Polit­i­cal Sci­ence, but more impor­tant­ly, to spend her week­ends at the Itha­ca farmer’s mar­ket. In her junior year at Cor­nell, Gal­lagher decid­ed to take a semes­ter off and attend the French Culi­nary Insti­tute in New York City to pur­sue her love of good food. After col­lege she moved down to NYC to work in the restau­rant indus­try, but it quick­ly became appar­ent to her that she was more inter­est­ed in the roots of the food she was cook­ing . Gal­lagher is excit­ed to be back in Carlisle where she is learn­ing to grow her own beau­ti­ful farmer’s mar­ket meat and pro­duce, and where she gets to spend every­day outside.


Has­so Ewing
A year and a half ago, Has­so got a call from Gal­lagher and David say­ing they were think­ing of com­ing home and start­ing a small organ­ic farm and would she be inter­est­ed in being the head plant grow­er. After a life­time of grow­ing food, peren­ni­als and woody plants and many years run­ning a land­scape design busi­ness, it was a per­fect fit in so many ways. Has­so’s inter­est in build­ing healthy soils and plants for high qual­i­ty food pro­duc­tion dove­tails per­fect­ly with her desire to be a part of the local food move­ment. She is thrilled to be work­ing on a small, plant and ani­mal farm, grow­ing sus­tain­abil­i­ty with the extra perk of work­ing with her daugh­ter, Gal­lagher, and David.