
Our CSA is full for the 2012 growing season.


What is CSA?

Com­mu­ni­ty Sup­port­ed Agri­cul­ture is a part­ner­ship between farm­ers and their com­mu­ni­ties. Mem­bers buy a share in the farm ear­ly on the in the sea­son, to help with cru­cial seed and start up costs, and then receive an allot­ment of pro­duce every week. As the farm­ers, we will pro­vide fresh, respon­si­bly-grown pro­duce at a rea­son­able price, and infor­ma­tion about the crops we’re grow­ing and how to cook and pre­serve them. As the com­mu­ni­ty, you will pro­vide sup­port for us in a num­ber of ways, not just mon­e­tar­i­ly, but also by vol­un­teer­ing your time on and off the farm, and through your under­stand­ing that as a CSA mem­ber you are buy­ing into both the risks and rewards of grow­ing organ­ic veg­eta­bles. We hope to orga­nize sev­er­al work days for our mem­bers, and to illic­it your help to pick some of your own har­vests (espe­cial­ly time-con­sum­ing crops like beans). Off the farm, we hope you will help us by clean­ing some of your own veg­eta­bles and tak­ing time to exper­i­ment with foods that per­haps you haven’t cooked or eat­en before. A CSA share is more than just a farm stand in a box, it rep­re­sents a more holis­tic con­nec­tion with your food and where it comes from.

Why have we cho­sen CSA to sell our produce?

As a small farm, the abil­i­ty to plan our har­vests through­out the entire sea­son means that we can grow more effi­cient­ly and with much less waste. We don’t need to throw away pro­duce after a farmer’s mar­ket, we don’t need to cross our fin­gers that enough cus­tomers will stop at our farm stand, we can grow a diver­si­ty of crops and know that there will be peo­ple to eat them every week. Receiv­ing pay­ment at the begin­ning of the sea­son also puts us in a much more sta­ble place finan­cial­ly. I believe that it is impos­si­ble to over-stress the impor­tance of CSA in the sur­vival and suc­cess of small organ­ic farms.

In addi­tion, CSA cre­ates a com­mu­ni­ty around our farm. Start­ing this farm has been a trans­for­ma­tive expe­ri­ence for all of us, and we real­ly look for­ward to (per­haps) shar­ing that expe­ri­ence with you.