A Look At Last Summer

I’ve been spend­ing some time recent­ly look­ing back at pic­tures and video I shot last year.  It’s amaz­ing how much the farm has changed in such short time.  It’s also remark­able how much fur­ther along we are this year than we were at the same time last year.  For exam­ple, last year at this time we had JUST start­ed form­ing the rows of our main garden.


I also came across some video I shot one morn­ing last August with my sis­ter’s Canon 60D.  It’s excit­ing to think that the gar­den will soon look like it does in this video.


A Lamb is Born!

It’s a boy! He was born ear­ly this morn­ing, and seems very healthy and strong. When we came out to the pas­ture this morn­ing, Brid­gette (and Dia­mond) were hov­er­ing over the lamb nuz­zling it. Here are some pic­tures that Dave took this morn­ing (click on the thumb­nails to see the full size images).

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